I turned 30
th on August 5
th. My husband, being the amazing man he is, bought my
BFF a plane ticket to come celebrate with me. Our time together was much too short - as it always is - but I was so happy I got to spend my 30
th birthday with her. She flew in the morning of my birthday and we spent the day at the salon with her NJ competition. After that, we went to dinner with Rob's parents. I wanted Chase to come with us, so I picked a restaurant that was family friendly, but still has amazing food. The next day we headed down the shore. It was so hot! Like really, really hot. I think I almost passed out on the beach. The next afternoon she left to go back to GA. We were able to fit in a few hours of shopping before her flight left.
Dani- I miss you! Come visit again soon!!! Chase misses you too.
Danielle and Chase. Isn't she pretty?

Danielle and I before my dinner.
Birthday Dinner. Rob, me, Rob's dad, Rob's mom, Danielle and Chase.

Rob's dad.

Rob and I.
Danielle and Chase after dinner.

Down the shore. Chase obviously was forced to take this picture. He looks like he's standing at attention!