Oops... I meant to post this weekend, but things got crazy!
Friday I was off so Chase and I made it to Good Friday service. It was really nice... with the exception of the Philly traffic on a Friday!
Yesterday was a very nice Easter Sunday! Church was awesome! I kept getting chills. We sang all of my favorite hymns and afterwards had a so, so breakfast at a new restaurant in town. After our naps, we headed over to Rob's sister's house to celebrate with his family.
When Chase saw the table he said "The bunny came..." very calm with no excitement at all. I asked him what was there and all he said was "candy"... Nothing about his monster truck, or his new Phils t or even the book he has been pestering me about for weeks. Eventually, he got excited...

The following pictures are proof that Chase is a descendant of a Redneck family. On my southern side, not Rob's southern
New Jersey side.
Clean, happy and blowing bubbles with his cousins.

This is where it starts. No shoes.

No shoes... on a Barbie Quad.
At this point, I looked outside and saw him. I told my mother-in-law that he was "such a redneck"... She thought it was pretty funny knowing my family and all. ;)

No shoes... holding a Walmart bag. Enough said.

Hope you had a wonderful Easter celebrating the Risen King!