Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pyrex and Potty Training

I'm not sure what the two have in common (except a "P"), but I've been meaning to post about them both.

I *heart* vintage Pyrex... My mother-in-law's friend gave these to me - they have NEVER been used! My cabinets are overflowing with pretty Pyrex... I want Rob to build me some shelves to display them on. I would never leave the kitchen!!

Potty training is TOUGH!! We have been working so hard to get our boy potty trained. He's doing well - better at school than at home. I can't decide if I should just put him in pullups and avoid "big boy" underwear for a while or stick with the "big boy" undies at home and pull ups for going out. Decisions, decisions.

Check out that floor! Isn't it beautiful? NOT!!! That's the bathroom we are planning to renovate ASAP. It's our only bathroom so Chase and I will be moving out the week Rob does the work. It's going to be a modern masterpiece when it's done. White subway tile, modern fixtures, DOUBLE SINK - I can't wait! You should see all three of us in that bathroom now. Sad.

Oreos, New Hair and Boots!!

Chase discovered how heavenly Oreo's dipped in milk are... This is what he looked like after two.
Oh, and that scratch on his face, I did that. Accidentally, of course. We went to the Crayola Factory on Saturday and he decided to lay on the bathroom floor (I think I just threw up a little in my mouth). In an attempt to pick him up, my hand slipped and I scratched the inside of his mouth and his face. I still feel terrible. Poor kid.

I *heart* these bangs! I have a love/hate relationship with my bangs, but I'm cutting them next week! I think I'm also going to let my hair grow out a little bit. I was looking through old pics and I think I have had the same style hair forever! I need a change!
Speaking of hair, I have the BEST stylist EVER! I'm sure I will post about her soon!

Nine West is offering free shipping and I was hoping that justified buying these boots... I don't think Rob would agree. I *heart* them too!! Adding them to the Christmas list.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Photo via Apartment Therapy

I LOVE the way this desk is organized! I love the shelves above the desk and all the boxes to hold "stuff". My winter goal for my home is to get organized! I will be posting a list soon!! I need to start setting goals for our home improvement projects so they start getting done!! Are they ever really done though? Rob spent 4 hours this weekend fixing the faucet on our kitchen sink! Ugh!

Friday, September 25, 2009

My "Annie"

Yesterday was my Nannie's birthday. I forgot to call her. I feel awful.
I'm sorry Nannie! I love you so very much! I wish you lived closer so I could spend more time with you. Remember when you used to tell me that you wished you could shrink me down and put me in your pocked so I could go home to VA with you - I wish you could have too!!
I can't wait to see you in November for Papa's party. I hope you had a great birthday!
**Isn't she beautiful?!?!?
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Wild Thing

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book! I think I read it a million times when I was a kid. I know so many people my age who will tell you it's their favorite book... ever! I can't wait for the movie.... Look how beautiful it looks.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Rob and I are thinking of getting this camera.
I follow alot of photography blogs - my favorite is http://ashleyannphotography.com/blog/ (I can't figure out how to write something like "Ashley Ann" and have it be a link... I will keep working on that). Anyway, the photography blogs I follow really make me want to start taking better photos but it's super hard to do with the awful camera we have now. It's the worst digital camera we have ever owned! So, I think I will ask for this for Christmas instead of a beautiful new bag...
This particular camera also has a built in video camera as well... Something we have wanted for a while, but haven't gotten around to buying. I will have to research more, but I'm hopeful that I will get one soon since Rob is the one who suggested it! Thanks babe!
I'm going to back to school night for Chase's daycare. I hope it goes well - he's been having some issues lately with hitting his friends. He got all of his monster trucks taken away yesterday after he got ANOTHER bad report from school. Terrible twos!

I *heart* Mr. Shuester

"glee" is my favorite new show of the fall!! Rob and I crack up laughing watching every Wednesday night. It may be a bit liberal for us, but it's still good entertainment.

and... Mr. Schuester is awesome. He reminds me of my BFF's husband.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Both from Antropology. I need a new bag and I really like both of these.... Maybe for Christmas??

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This Is How I Found Him....

sleeping lastnight... Adorable! I love this kid so much!!!

So Much to Say (to the tune of the DMB song)

I've been trying to write a post about Chase, but am having a hard time because there is so much I want to say.

In the meantime, I purchased this armoire this weekend and I'm not sure what to do with it... paint? Sand and refinish? Leave it as is? It's not my style at all, but I still really like it. I've seen rooms on AT and Design Sponge where people put mid century modern pieces with more traditional pieces. I like it, I just don't know that I could pull it off. Ideas? Please share!

** I keep trying to add a pic of the piece with the doors closed, but can't seem to add it. I will create a new post later today with the additional pic.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Nahum 1:3

My verse for today is:
The Lord is slow to anger and great in power. Nahum 1:3

I need to remember this when confronted with a whiny, fussy, messy, tired 2 year old.

I didn't even know there was a book in the bible titled Nahum.

Let's Go Phillies, Let's Go!!!

Fall baseball is the best! The post season. The weather. The excitement! Our Phillies are only 6 games away from making it into the post season! It's an exciting time here in Philly!
I have been a baseball "fan" since the Braves won the World Series in the 90's. I lived in Georgia then and was able to go to a playoff game as well as a World Series game - it was the highlight of my year! Since I was only 13 or 14 at the time, I didn't fully understand what a true fan was so after the excitement of winning seasons wore off, I didn't really care about baseball all that much anymore.
When Rob and I moved to New Jersey 8 years ago I learned what true "Phans" were. Not initially, but after a few years I became quite the baseball fan. We had season tickets in 2007 and hope to have them again in the seasons to come. Chase knows the players names and will point out Ryan Howard and Chase Utley when he sees them on TV. He knows J.A. Happ is a pitcher and how to say Rauuuuuul Ibanez perfectly. He hasn't been to a game yet - we plan to take him next season when he will hopefully remember it better and enjoy it more. I know now what a "Phan" is and will never stop loving the Phils, nor will I let Chase forget where his love of baseball began. I see people like my husband who have been Phillies fans for 35 years and want that for Chase.... and myself!
** If, one day, Chase is a professional baseball player for a team other than the Phillies, I will deny I ever wrote this! However, if he is playing for the Mets, I may have to disown him. :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

You Would Think He Was From the South

Yep, that's my husband.... The handsome one on the left. He's a hunter and bow season started last weekend. That's his 1996 Ford Bronco next to him. It's for sale. What to buy it? Let me know.

I don't think he's going hunting this weekend - it's too bad becasue he really enjoys it. For him, it's a good way to destress and spend time with friends he doesn't get to see often. Hopefully next weekend.

PS - We eat deer meat (Rob more than me). What we don't eat, gets donated to shelters to help feed the homeless.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

John Gabriel

This is my nephew - Gabe. John is my Papa's name. Gabe is my little brother's first child.

He was born 9/9/09. He is a peanut weighing only 7 pounds/8 ounces. I haven't met him yet because my brother and sister in law live in Georgia and I'm in New Jersey. I will get to meet him in November at my Papa's 80th birthday party. It will also be the first time my Papa is meeting his namesake and his 6th GREAT grandson.... none of his 7 grandchildren have a girl (much to my Nannie's dismay).

I love this little boy so very much! When Chase was born, I didn't think I could love another person as much as I loved him, but Gabe comes very close. He is my blood. My nephew. My brother's legacy. My sister in law's angel. My son's cousin. A blessing from God to our family.
I love you baby Gabe!

***I do feel bad that I am posting about him before my own child, but I received this photo yesterday and I can't stop looking at it.