Chase discovered how heavenly Oreo's dipped in milk are... This is what he looked like after two.
Oh, and that scratch on his face, I did that. Accidentally, of course. We went to the Crayola Factory on Saturday and he decided to lay on the bathroom floor (I think I just threw up a little in my mouth). In an attempt to pick him up, my hand slipped and I scratched the inside of his mouth and his face. I still feel terrible. Poor kid.

I *heart* these bangs! I have a love/hate relationship with my bangs, but I'm cutting them next week! I think I'm also going to let my hair grow out a little bit. I was looking through old pics and I think I have had the same style hair forever! I need a change!
Speaking of hair, I have the BEST stylist EVER! I'm sure I will post about her soon!

Nine West is offering free shipping and I was hoping that justified buying these boots... I don't think Rob would agree. I *heart* them too!! Adding them to the Christmas list.
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