Chase - I don't even know where to start. This summer was so much fun! We went to GA for Aunt Mary Jane's baby shower. You bonded with Nannie and Papa. You like to call Nannie "Annie"... She doesn't care though. We went to Ocean City, NJ with Chloe and Ocean City, MD with Ben. You loved the sand, but not the water. We played outside alot and went to the park a few times a week. You discovered a love for ice cream with jimmies that I don't think you will ever outgrow (if you are anything like me)! You stayed with MiMom and Pop Pop two days a week instead of going to daycare and LOVED every second of it! They have enjoyed you so much that they asked if they could continue to watch you on Tuesdays and Thursdays! You are so tall and haven't gained any weight in 4 months (you weigh 29lbs). We tried out a mohawk and it didn't work out so well, so I cut your hair all one length. I'm letting it grow for the fall and winter - we'll see how that goes. You still love "Cars", "Baby Einstein", "Nemo", "Dora" and "Diego" but you seem to have outgrown "Elmo" - although you still sleep with him and BB every night. You are ALMOST potty trained. It's been a long, hard process, but you are doing GREAT!!! I hope we are 100% done by Christmas.
You are my angel, my love, my baby, my son, my world, my life, my everything - I can't imagine spending one day without you! I love you soooooo much! You are the reason I was put on this earth! I hope to have many, many more adventures with you in the years to come. As you grow, I know you will want less and less to do with Mommy, so I'm taking every chance I can to spend with you now. I LOVE YOU!
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